
Evidence of Grahams achieved success creates a positive impression and I am proud that Graham is my Keyboard teacher. Lessons are fun and I especially enjoy the inclusion of learning to play songs from my choice along side the traditional course books, and has the most amazing amount of patience, and has the ability to transform my challenging negativity into achievement and confidence. He maintains a high standard of tuition and professional dedication that allows pupils to develop their full potential.


I am 76 years old and have been having lessons with Graham for 2 years and when I began I didn’t have a clue as to what to do. He has been extremely patient with me and offers enormous encouragement.
With my initial lack of musical knowledge my family and friends thought I wouldn’t stay the course, but due to Grahams inspiration this is not the case. I am thoroughly enjoying and progressing with my lessons would recommend him to anyone.


Graham has been an excellent tutor as I’ve embarked on learning the piano as a “mature” learner! He has been extremely patient and encouraging as he has taken me through the rudiments and moving me on to together pieces. Always positive and supportive Graham gets me through those moments when I feel I’m making little progress so I return to practice with renewed enthusiasm


Graham has been teaching me for about a year and a half now. In that time I feel I have learned a lot about playing the piano and music theory. Graham is a friendly and patient teacher and always answers any questions I have clearly. The lessons are fun and relaxed and I am very happy to have Graham as my piano teacher and have every faith that he will make a great pianist of me yet!


Graham teaches keyboard to my son. He has been his teacher for the past 2 years. My son is progressing very well and I am very happy with the efforts taken by Graham. Graham is very flexible as well. His flexibility allows me to reschedule a lesson in case we can’t make it. As far as the place at kings Lynn is concerned, it’s well furnished with all facilities. The place has ample parking. I would recommend Graham as a music teacher to whoever wants to learn keyboard.

Manish Gunda

I started having keyboard lessons with Graham in 2011 at the age of 56, I had never played before and could not read music either, but thanks to Graham’s enthusiasm for his teaching, the encouragement and endless patience he shows to his pupil, I am now learning towards my first exam. Whenever I have doubts about being able to learn a song and say ‘i can’t do it’ Graham says ‘yes you can’ and he’s always right.


I have been going to music lessons with Graham since February 2009, aged 56. Im currently studying for Grade 3 theory and Grade 2 keyboard exams. I have come along way, since starting with Graham.

Roger Player

I send my son for piano lessons with Graham Woods and have done for six months. I am pleased with the progress he’s making and hope to see my boy to start working toward grade 1 soon.


After receiving a surprise gift of piano lessons for Christmas, I finally plucked up the courage to book up! I couldn’t read music, was tone deaf, and knew I was going to be hand fisted..How wrong was I! I stepped into a relaxed non-formal atmosphere straight away and Graham Woods, the piano teacher, totally put me at ease with his laid back chatty welcome. My first lesson flew by and was great fun and made uncomplicated. Id started to read music, and given songs to practise. 8 weeks in and I can really start to see a difference. Graham is a patient teacher and makes the lessons a totally pleasurable experience. I would definitely recommend you book up some lessons!

Emma Murton

I have been learning Keyboard with Graham since 2010 and continue to find enjoyment in learning keyboard. Graham is an excellent teacher and patient teacher. When i am finding it hard, I look back over the last four years and realise how far i have come and how many exams I have taken and passed well. It makes the hard work worthwhile. Its my choice to take the exams and with Graham’s encouragement, nothing is impossible! I recommend him as an excellent teacher who makes learning fun for young and old alike, with me being in the not-so-young catergory!

Theresa Hall

I began lessons with Graham in Septemeber 2014. I had always regretted giving up piano lessons as a child, but over 20 years later I was unsure about re-starting lessons. I need’nt have worried! Graham is an excellent teacher, he is fun and patient. My skills have improved considerably! Initially I wanted to play for fun, but Graham persuaded me to do exams! I have just achieved a distinction in my first grade and am now preparing for my next (and as many more as i can!) I absolutely LOVE playing the piano and my lessons. Practising is a joy – not a chore and I feel I’m improving every week! Thanks Graham!

Kim Howard

I first started to learn piano over 40 years ago but gave up and always wished I’d continued. Then about 7 years ago, I got in touch with Graham and he’s been my teacher ever since, guiding me through the grades, so far up to Grade 5 which i take later this year. He has the patience of a saint and is always good-humoured and encouraging with his advice. If i can re-learn, anyone can and with a teacher like Graham its both enjoyable and easy.

Tricia McCarron

Graham is a great teacher. I am a mature student having never learnt to read music and play the piano before. I was reluctant at first but Graham gives you time if you are finding it difficult. I am really glad I made the decision to learn this new skill and found Graham on line. Thank you

Sue Rahilly

Graham is a very patient, encouraging and friendly teacher. My weekly online lessons are fun with very positive feedback and reassurance from Graham. I am a mature student both learning to read music and play piano. With Graham’s continued support, lessons where no pressure is applied and where I can go at my own pace, I look forward to improving my skills. I am so glad I took up this hobby and would highly recommend Graham…brilliant teacher.

Steven Houston

I am a mature student and I have started to re-learn the piano with Graham (having played the piano when I was younger).

Graham is a great teacher, he is very patient and accommodating (especially when I haven’t practised as much as I would have liked due to work commitments).

Graham is always happy and friendly and constantly gives encouraging and positive feedback throughout the lesson. He also takes the time to answer every question I have (even silly ones).

I’d fully recommend Graham.

Claire Bright

Piano lessons were the one thing I rebelled against as a teenager. My mother’s words “you’ll regret this” have been ringing in my ears for the intervening 40 plus years, so upon my recent retirement I sought a local teacher and found Graham. It’s early days – I’ve only just started using both hands! – but I can thoroughly recommend him. I really enjoy the lessons – so much so I’ve increased from half hour to full hour sessions – and even enjoy the practice at home. Graham is very encouraging and supportive. My goal is to be able to play ragtime music and I’m confident I’ll get there with Graham’s help.

Dr Steven Fisher

Graham is an excellent teacher, patient kind and willing to move at your pace. As an older learner having returned to piano after thirty years he inspired me to practice and instilled in me a belief that I could do this . Young or old do yourself a favour and sign up for his classes you won’t regret it.

James Rymer

My son who has ASD and myself have been having lessons for a few months now and we both are so pleased with how far we have come. Graham is a great teacher and his lessons are always relaxed and without any pressure.


Graham is an absolutely fantastic teacher! We have lessons over video call bi-weekly and he’s always super flexible with my dates and times. He’s been teaching me for around 2 and a half years and we’ve gone through grade 3 – 5 in this time. He’s always super supportive and makes lessons super chill and relaxing. I actually enjoy my lessons and if I haven’t had the time to practice, he doesn’t make me feel bad or feel that I am wasting his time. He always encourages me and makes it an overall fun experience. Highly recommend!

Kerrie-jo oflynn

I am so reluctant to make a fool of myself, so was hesitant about beginning to learn at my advanced age. But Graham is willing to guide me at my own pace and slowly I am beginning to see that, just like any new discipline, it takes time to understand it. His patience is incredible, and the lessons pass all too quickly. Quite a challenge, but am loving it. Thank you, Graham!

Sue Tessa

Ive been learning piano with graham for 2 years now and I have never had a bad lesson. My piano skills have really improved and my passion has continued to grow. Graham is fun to be around- even online- and has always prioritised my enjoyment and love of piano over getting my grades, which has been really helpful. I hope to continue to grow as a pianist, with Graham by my side (best piano teacher ever).

Huda Voller

Highly recommend Graham! I started piano lessons again after a 15 year break so was pretty rusty. Graham is a patient and attentive teacher, who never makes you feel bad for making a mistake. He is very encouraging and supportive, especially if you are finding a piece particularly difficult. He is also a great listener, never interrupts, and is never pushy, but still manages to get you great results (distinction and merit for my first set of exams).

Miriam Collister

My son, 6 has been really enjoying learning to play piano with Graham! He is a very patient, kind and understanding teacher who encourages my son to enjoy the piano in such a way that he’s really grasping it very well. They have a good rapport together, and it’s a very enjoyable lesson in our week! I would highly recommend Graham to any age

Home Edders

I have online lessons with Graham once a week. He’s a very patient teacher who’s happy to go at my pace. He checks in to make sure I’m having fun learning the piano often as that’s my goal! Easy going and open to learning for fun or working towards exams


I have been learning piano as a 48 year old late learner for over a year now, i can now read sheet music at a basic level to het through the books, and am slowly progressing through the songs.

Graham is patient and a really great instructor- wiling to go at my pace and not tell me off for not practicing enough ha

I cant recommend him enough.

Jonny Diamond

As an older student with a certain amount of knowledge, Graham is guiding and helping me bring everything together.

Graham is patient, kind, helpful and very tolerant when I have ‘sticky’ fingers on occasions!

The choice of teaching material is excellent, as one is learning technical skills at the same time as a popular piece.

Thank you Graham

Miss Karen Disney

Graham always makes you feel at ease when playing the piano. I usually have my lesson via face time as I get nervous in front of my tutor and this works brilliantly for me. Try for yourself – he makes playing the piano fun


Graham has taught both me and my daughter for over a year now. He is a very patient teacher and we both look forward to our lessons.


Graham, is a great piano teacher. he lets the student go at there own pace. Which works for me as I find learning any new skill hard. With Grahams Help my sight reading is getting better and better

Joe Skakles

I have been using Graham for keyboard lesson’s for eighteen months and being a senior pupil, his patience and professionalism has inspired me enormously.

I can highly recommend Graham as a music teacher.


Fantastic teacher, very patient and friendly. Thoroughly enjoy learning the piano with Graham.

Mrs Julie White

Graham started teaching my daughter aged 8 since the beginning of January she had never played piano/keyboard before, she is really enjoying learning and Graham has been nothing but patient, positive and enthusiastic in helping her learn.

Jamie Mason


Snettisham 01485 478847
or Call/text: 07846 240930



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© Graham Woods Music Tuition Limited. Piano, keyboard & organ lessons.     |     King's Lynn Website by Steele Media.